
Sarafadeen Bello is an Architectural Designer, Independent researcher and creative based in Lagos, Nigeria. He holds a degree in Architecture from Ivanovo State Polytechnic University in Russia. In 2016, he won the Ships and Ports Essay Competition; was shortlisted for the Ken Saro Wiwa Book Review Prize at the Lagos Book and Arts Festival in 2019 and placed second in the “How can we obey the law against war” essay competition in 2020.

He participated in the Remote Research Residency “Memory and Memoricide of Land” – Reimagining alternative models of Museums cooperated by Co.iki (Japan), supported by KOFICE (South Korea) in 2021 as part of “Project The Great Museum”. And received a Guest Artists Space (G.A.S.) Foundation Fellowship Award in 2022. As part of his residency at G.A.S. Foundation, he conducted research into Technoheritage and Archives; and curated an exhibition titled “Artefacts (Re)connecting…Can you sense them?” (2022)

Currently, his practice explores the notion of access in relation to the discourse around decolonization, restitution and repatriation of cultural artefacts, objects and heritage materials (Benin Bronzes) with interests in archival materials and the Pan-Africanist movement. His medium of expression is through text, essays, research, design and installations. And his areas of interest operate within the overlapping boundaries of architecture, urban design, food systems, theatre, culture, social inclusion as well as public realm participation. He strongly believes in the power of volunteerism and arts as a tool for social change. 

His writings and contributions can be found in African Union ECHO digital magazine 2017, Lagos Development Envision Lab 2017 Publication, The Great Museum website etc. Currently, he is co-curating and working on a Cross-Cultural Digital Exchange and Research Residency Project between Nigerian and Dutch Artists scheduled to take place in 2023.



2007 - 2013: Diploma in Architecture (6 years), Ivanovo State Polytechnic University, Russia.

2006 - 2007: Russian language certificate, Ivanovo State Textile Academy, Russia.


2020: Online Training on Curating Festivals by The Festival Academy (European Festivals Association).

2019: Project Management training organized by the Goethe-Institut, 16 by 16 and Centre for Contemporary Art, Lagos.

2018: The Editing Room: Critical Writing Workshop organized by the Centre for Contemporary Art, Lagos and Institut Français Nigeria.

2017: Young Critics programme in Nigeria organized by the International Association of Theatre critics, British Council Nigeria and the Guardian Nigeria.


Yoruba, English, Russian.


2022: Solo exhibition titled “Artefacts (Re)connecting...Can you sense them?” at G.A.S. Foundation Lagos, Nigeria. A visual journey of my experiences engaging with creatives and cultural spaces across Lagos on the issues of Decolonization,Restitution, Repatriation, Reparation and Pan-Africanism.

2019: Group exhibition curated by MOE+ Art Architecture. The documented process of making the Urban Garden Stop Installation was shown during the 2nd Lagos Biennale.

2019: Green street urban intervention project, site-specific installation: Urban Garden Stop. On-site installation.


2023: House of African Feminisms Grant. Project title: Archives of (Im)mobility: Gender, Access and Wage labour through the prism of the Colonial Nigerian Railway system in South-Western Nigeria.

2022 - 2023: Cross-Cultural Digital Exchange and Research Residency Project between Nigerian & Dutch Artists. (Role:Project Coordinator, Funder: Consulate General of the Netherlands in Lagos, Nigeria). The program will create opportunities for artists/creatives to build networks that will foster future project collaborations.

2022: Guest Artists Space Fellowship Award. Residency at G.A.S. Foundation Lagos, Nigeria to research “Technoheritage and Cultural Archives” in relation to Restitution and Repatriation of Cultural Objects.

2021: Digital residency on “Memory and Memoricide of the Land”- Reimagining Alternative Model of Museum. Collective r and d in collaboration with Co.iki (Tokyo, Japan).

2017: Researcher at Lagos Development Envision Lab (LAGDEL 2017) by Heinrich Boll Stiftung, Nigeria & Arctic Infrastructure. Research Question: In 15 - 20 years, what should be the view of inclusive and integrative housing in Lagos? Case Study: Low-Income Neighborhoods in Amukoko.


2020: 2nd Place in the West Suburban Faith-Based Peace Coalition Essay Contest. How can we obey the law against war? Essay Title - Through more women in political and leadership roles.

2019: Shortlisted - Ken Saro Wiwa book review prize at the Lagos Book and Arts Festival.

2017: 3rd Place in the Desigo Youth Tourism Connect Essay Competition.

2017: 3rd Place in the West Suburban Faith-Based Peace Coalition Essay Contest. How can we obey the law against war?

2016: Best Overall Essay in Ships and Ports competition. Non-oil exports as a panacea for economic recession in Nigeria.


2023: Interview with KatrinGansler for Deutschlandfunk Kultur. Benin-Bronzen: Nicht jeder in Nigeriawartet gespannt auf weitere Restitutionen. Link:

2023: Panel Talk at the UNEXPECTED LESSONS #4 – Decolonizing Restitution. Link:

2021: Writing workshop for children at Anilingo Digital Festival (available on Youtube). How to craft winning Essays.

2017: Community mural painting, Youth workshop and training on Peace and Security for Public Art Africa.

2016: On-air conversation on the Ships and Ports radio program. Non-oil exports and the Nigerian economy.


2021: Beyond Restitution and Repatriation - Connecting Returned Artefacts to People and Land: A Case of Benin Bronze Artefacts.

2020: West Suburban Faith-Based Peace Coalition Essay. How can we obey the law against war?

2017: Lagos Development Envision Lab (Team Publication). Achieving Mixed and Integrative Housing in the Larger Development of Lagos. Amukoko: Economic Hub – Infrastructural Decay.